Friday, November 16, 2007

special dedication [to Mallory with love]

So, my friends, I have a bit of a confession to make. Physics was not my strong suit in high school. Actually, I failed my mid-term and only managed to make it through the class because a) my lab partner did every one of my lab reports and b) the final was a complete joke (after I finished it, my teacher looked at me and stated, "YOU are done already? I must have made it too easy"). This is relevant because one day, my roomate and I were discussing candles (when you live with people, ridiculous conversations start to seem normal) and she asked a very important question.

Where does the wax go?

Granted, this may seem like a dumb question, but inquiring minds want to know. Therefore, I did what any resourceful person would do.

I googled it.

And here's the answer from Lou of Physics Central.

"As the candle burns, its wax does more than simply melt. The liquid wax rises up the wick and vaporizes in the tremendous heat of the flame. It is this vaporized, gaseous wax that mixes with air and burns. The wick itself contributes very little to the flame; you are instead looking at burning wax vapor."

The Internet is a beautiful thing.

1 comment:

Mallory said...

Wowwwwww. I feel a little better about life now, I'm not going to lie. Thanks for the info. Horn Dog, you're the best!