Friday, November 16, 2007

don't delay. check out the scent of the day!

Crème Brûlée

description from the Yankee Candle web site:

"Pure temptation... heavenly vanilla cream custard drizzled with honey, brown sugar and nutmeg."

Ok, my friends, this was a pretty good attempt on the part of Yankee Candle. The candle definitely smells of vanilla and burnt sugar, which are, in essence, the components of crème brûlée, but for some reason, the candle does not smell like actual Crème Brûlée. As always, something is lost in translation. BUT this candle still smells pretty freakin' delicious. My roomate just opened her own Crème Brûlée sampler this morning, and she has nothing but a rave review. She says, "When I smelled Crème Brûlée in the Yankee Candle shop, I was immediately taken back to my grandmother's kitchen. That's when I KNEW I had to buy it. It has been a delight to burn."

So buy it, my friends, and be transported back to your grandmother's kitchens. Unless you don't have a grandmother. Then it sort of sucks to be you, and no candle will ever fill that void.

1 comment:

Mallory said...

Why do you hate grandmother-less people? You're a terrible person. But you make me laugh, so it's OK. Now I want dessert. Thanks.