Sunday, November 18, 2007

a necessary accessory

Time for another exciting edition of candle accessories you MUST own if you call yourself a candle-lover.

The Candle Snuffer

I need to start with a bit of a confession. I had no idea what this tool was actually called. I have always called it a candle extinguisher, which is a pretty sweet name, if you ask me. But I googled a number of different phrases (my favorite being "candle putter-outer" for all you Harry Potter fans), and it wasn't until I googled "candle accessories" that I finally found it.

Ok, now that we are past my stupidity, let's talk about the candle snuffer! First and most importantly, it has it's own Wikipedia article (wickipedia!), which is kind of hilarious, so I copied and pasted it below.


"The modern meaning of candle snuffer is an instrument used to extinguish burning candles. This is accomplished by smothering the flame with a small metal cup that is suspended from a long handle. The use of a candle snuffer helps to avoid problems associated with blowing hot wax.

Candle snuffers are commonly used in homes and churches."

Now, I found that entry especially hysterical because it was only four sentences. And then I realized that I would have the same amount of things to say about the candle snuffer. So I stopped laughing and was ashamed.

But anyway, my friends, you know the drill. If you want to be taken seriously by the candle community, pick up your own candle snuffer TODAY.

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