Thursday, April 8, 2010

what is that, you say? IT'S A NEW SCENT OF THE DAY?!

After an extremely long hiatus, Wickersnapper is back in action thanks to a few loyal readers (you know who you are) who could not get enough of Wickersnapper. It had gotten to the point where they were reading old posts over and over and over again, and I thought it was only fair to put them out of their misery and allow them to experience the joy of new blog posts once again.

And how else would we start but with a new scent of the day?

Storm Watch

description from the Yankee Candle web site:

"A cleansing ocean air before the storm."

While this candle does not quite smell like a storm, the scent is quite reminiscent (language!) of a warm summer night. While it is strong and has a bit of a floral/perfume scent, don't let that deter you. It is just the right amount of scent, and it's the perfect candle to burn while hanging out on your porch during a breezy summer night. But if you leave it unattended and your house goes up in flames, that's on you, my friend, and hopefully your roommate who lives in the attic has a collapsible fire escape.


Unknown said...

Tayho: You often mention porches in your posts. Do you have a rocking chair? Also, can you recommend a scent that is well-suited for outdoor use? (Presumably one that is Strong Enough to register in an open-air setting, but that it not overpowering.) Perhaps you can address this in a future post?

Unknown said...

I am so glad you featured this as your scent of the day. I have this candle in my bathroom (I don't have a certain nickname for nothing) and am absolutely in love with the way it makes me think of summer.

But beware. It's not for the faint of heart. I told my 3-year-old cousin to smell it once and he nearly fell over. I should have told him to waft.

Happy burning!